Friday 10 February 2012

Steer Away From Negativity

Once you’ve learned to bring more smiles into your life, you need to learn how to steer away from negativity. This involves avoiding situations which bring in a lot of negativity. Calling this as escapism would be wrong. There’s nothing wrong in staying away from a situation that will clearly push you into negative thoughts. A good example might be staying away from an argument with someone which you know will make you feel bad and angry. What would you gain by the argument? What would you lose if you stayed away from it? See, there’s nothing wrong in staying away from it. There’s no need to resort to violence to settle an issue. That’s an ugly shortcut that brings in a lot of negativity. 
So always remember to steer completely away from negativity, and you will do just fine. You will notice that as and when you start putting yourself in positive surroundings, you will feel happy and fresh at all times. Life isn’t short. It is quite long. It will be short only when you drown yourself in negative thoughts. Push them away and see the positive side of life. You will notice how beautiful and enjoyable each moment is, and how much you can benefit by keeping yourself happy all the time.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Start Small

It doesn't take a genius to figure out the secret to being positive at all times. Anybody can start making their life  better by being positive. You can start by smiling more, and swearing less. Anger encourages negativity. A smile brings in positivity. If this were to be said spiritually, a smile brings in positive energy throughout the body. But let’s not go too deep into spirituality now. All that matters is that you need to smile more in your daily life. Did you know that it takes less effort to smile than it takes to frown? You actually need to use more facial muscles to bring a frown than to bring a smile. Add to that a rich vocabulary of the choicest swears that you need to utter. That takes up a lot of energy, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it be much easier to just shoot a smile?  
This can be done every day, in many small incidents that take place in your life. A smile is the first small step towards being more positive. If you keep smiling, you’ll find it easy to relax in tough situations, and you can bring much more happiness into your life. So if you are someone who wants to lead a positive life, then it’s time to stop frowning and start smiling! 

Thursday 2 February 2012

"Be Positive" Is Not Just A Blood Group

Whichever way you see it, today’s world is shrouded in negativity. All the religions say it, all the scientists say it, and even the common man can observe it. Everyone around is angrier, more impatient, and is constantly brooding about some depressing thought. Happiness is extracted by laughing at another’s misfortune. Fun is obtained by seeing someone fail. So the little positivity that is left is actually being born from negativity itself. Then there is the ever-impending thought of the world coming to an end towards the end of this year. Why has this theory gained so much popularity? Is it because all of use are dying to die? Do we just want this life filled with negativity to end, so that we can be at peace? This is truly a disturbing reality. 
Optimism is not dead yet. And it never will be, as long as there is at least a small group of optimists alive in this world. Just as a lie doesn’t become true if a million people say it, likewise negativity won’t become permanent just because more than three-fourths of the world is filled with it. A simple phrase - Be Positive - can save your life. But the question is, are you willing to live? Life is chalk full of problems. There wouldn’t be any excitement in it otherwise. Even the saints who go to the Himalayas to meditate have seen and experienced many problems in life before eventually retiring to the mountains.  
So why is it that being positive is so hard? That’s because being negative is quite easy. If there’s an interview and you are not quite confident of bagging the job, it’s easier to think I’m not going to get this job rather than assuring yourself that youcan, and will get the job.  If your plan doesn’t always work the way it is meant to, it’s easy to assume the worst instead of figuring out a plan-B. But such an attitude isn’t going to make you happy, nor will it bring you peace. Being positive at all times is the only way your life is going to be much happier than what it already is. But how exactly do you start being positive? It’s not going to happen in a single day, is it?! You need to take one step at a time. Start small. Keep reading to know more!